Still no laptop 😦 I continue snapping but have no way to upload the photos through my tablet. So here is another from my 365 ptoject last year. It was serious runner-up for my picture of the year last year and was just edged out by another that I felt I had nailed. But I really do love this photo, I mean who doesn’t love a good fence shot right?

Happy week everyone!

6 responses »

  1. Cara Olsen says:

    Oh, Ninali. I can imagine how frustrated you must be at this point. My laptop is practically holstered to me. Have you found that you spend your time elsewhere? Doing things you might not have done had you the computer to play on? As a mom of four, I doubt any sort of “playing” happens apart from your children; but I am trying to find a bright side to the ordeal. Stuff like this never ceases to discombobulate me.

    Wow . . . Ninali, wow. Did you submit this into any contests? Truly, this is an incredible picture. This sweet boy is not even my son, yet I would be honored to hang this artwork in my home.

    Happy Tuesday to you, friend,

    ~ Cara

    • Ninali says:

      Yes, I am doing some things that I have put off. I am repurposing on old entertainment unit into a play kitchenette for the kids….thank you pinterest! πŸ˜‰ Also writing “old school” to new found friends πŸ˜‰

      I have never entered this into anything….well come to think of it, I have not entered much of anything. Not sure my stuff is technically where it should be…but I might consider it when I become brave enough πŸ˜‰

      Thank you for the lovely comments. You always make my confidence grow!

      Much love to you my friend!

  2. doncarroll says:

    that’s tough not having your highway up and running to do what you want to do. will be waiting to hear that is all back to normal. great snapshot here. love how the narrow spectrums of light come though on it:)

    • Ninali says:

      When I took this photo and I glanced quickly at my camera I literally jumped for joy…those rays were exactly what I was hoping for πŸ™‚ Thanks Don!

  3. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    I’ve only chanced by – from Cara’s blog – but admire how you’re keeping it rolling. I’ve been without a computer too – it was water damaged, & it “killed” me! It’s like cutting off your (creative) tongue! Hope you get it back soon, whatever happened… & it’s more than a fence shot. It’s a great shot of a moment in a boy’s life, under the sun πŸ™‚

    • Ninali says:

      Thank you so much for stopping in and commenting. I finally did get it back late last week and I swear I have yet to close the top down.,,,scary how much I missed it…”Hi, my name is Ninali, and I am addicted to my laptop.”

      You are right about what was captured…not only for my son’s memory but mine as well. A very dear friend of mine had just announced that she and her husband were divorcing and it hit me out of nowhere. I was struggling, and on this walk this photo I took, well it gave me some sort of inner peace…so yes more than just a fence shot. πŸ˜‰ I appreciate your time Words, have a wonderful day! πŸ˜€

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